Brand Development

Ever wanted to own your own business, ever felt like all your hard work should go toward your personal accomplishments, this is not uncommon. In Fact, many of our fellow men and women in our societies feel the need to have something that is theirs as an essential key to happiness, something we can call our own is an innate sense or instinct in large populations of the world in all regions. For this we have made a 3 part Distributor program.

1. Build your own brand, we will help you to achieve it.

  • Brand name development
  • Logo development
  • Label development
  • Website development
  • Amazon Integration
  • Business Development
  • Informational Guides to oils 
    and much more.

2. Sell Our Brand, Join the Family.

  • Get Exclusive Intro Family Discounts
  • Discounted shipping rates
  • Enjoy buy bracket discounts
  • Reference rewards 
  • Website development
  • Amazon Integration
  • Informational Guides to oils
    and much more.

3. Wholesale Account

Wholesale customers will enjoy bulk order discounts that can only be received after re seller license is submitted and confirmed valid. This Process usually takes less then an hour after received during normal business hours. States outside of California are subject to their own rules and regulations, which may delay the approval process. Once approved you will receive 

  • Exclusive discounts on bulk orders
  • Free Shipping on orders over $1250
  • Private Bottling and labeling Available
    and much more.


Please Contact us if you are interested


Mon - Thurs 10am - 5pm

or email us 24/7 at